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Private Personal Training with MyoFitness

Achieve Your Full Potential

Whether you have been exercising your entire life, or are just beginning to consider the benefits of starting a workout routine, Myofitness is the right tool for you.

Our professional staff of expert trainers are committed to working closely with you in the comfort of your home to develop a wellness program which is as unique as you. No two Myofitness Personal Training Programs are the same! We design each section of your routine to match you present level of fitness to best attain your long and short term goals.

Most importantly, as you grow and strengthen your body, so too does your program grow. Your trainer will closely track and monitor your progress in the program he or she has created for you. As you reach new levels of fitness, they will implement new exercises to continue your growth at a fast, healthy pace.

In-Home Training: The Key to Ongoing Fitness!

The biggest benefit of Myofitness Fitness Programs is our in-home service. Your trainer will come to your door and train you in the comfort of your own home. Your trainer will develop your program around the space and equipment you have access to.

No expensive equipment required!

With Myofitness, your workout is built to fit your life. Having a clear understanding of the wide variety of exercises you can do in the comfort of you own home - or in a hotel room while traveling - greatly encourages a consistent and long-term approach to fitness.

The best part? No more gym memberships or smelly locker rooms!

Accountability: Your New Best Friend!

Exercise is hard. Exercising alone is harder.

Maintaining a clear and focused mind to drive your body to consistently engage in such physically demanding workout routines can be… difficult. It is extremely easy to allow tiredness, the stress of work, or any number of outside forces derail your exercise routine. We’ve all been there.

Myofitness is the solution! Your Myofitness Personal Trainer is more than your trainer - he or she is your accountability partner. Your wellness is their core concern.

No longer will your fatigue, exhaustion or stress cancel a workout! Your trainer will come to your home and invigorate you! Within minutes of beginning your routine, you will have forgotten about your tiredness. By the end, you will thank yourself for committing to the workout.

With consistent concern for nutrition and mental wellness, you will find yourself making better decisions between your workouts. All of this is essential to developing a sustainable level of wellness!For an even higher level of accountability (and as a way to make your Myofitness program more economical), check out our Group Training Programs!

Core Strength

Core Strength is the… core … of the Myofitness approach to Personal Training. In each of your workouts, you will exercise between 400 and 500 muscles! Each of our trainers understand the importance of core strength, and will integrate core strengthening exercises into your routine to provide you with the most exhausting, calorie burning workout you’ve ever had!

360 Degree Fitness

Fitness does not start or stop with your gym shorts! Your Myofitness trainer is focused on helping you best achieve an overall healthy and balanced lifestyle through nutrition, mental wellness, and core strength. Relying on exercise alone is not enough to achieve total wellness. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to get in shape and stay in shape for the rest of your life!

Perfect Form

Is your workout working for you? Are you activating the correct muscles? Using the correct weights? Keeping the Correct Form? With the help of a Myofitness Expert Trainer, you can be sure that your workout is a perfect fit! We ensure that our workouts engage the right muscles in the right amount to best achieve your goals, whether you want to lose weight, bulk up, or just feel healthier!

Strength training: OK for kids?

Strength training offers kids many benefits, but there are important caveats to keep in mind. Here's what you need to know about youth strength training!

Are You Ready to Make a Change?

We are so convinced that our system of Functional Training will provide you with lifelong fitness that we are ready to come to your home for a free consultation!

One of our expert trainers will come to your home at a time that works for YOU to teach you more about how our system can change your life forever! Contact us now to get Started!

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Ready to get started on your fitness journey? Contact me today.