Myofitness Logo

The kids are back at school so it's time to take care yourself again. Get back to working off some stress and a few LBS.

When I tell people about my group workout that I have been teaching for the past 3-4 years at Fox Chapel High School or Alpha Tennis and Fitness, most people are hesitant to come because they think that they won't be able to keep up with everyone else. My group of 4-10 people range from 40 to 60 years of age. Most have some type of limitation (hip replacement, chronic overuse injuries, arthritis, shoulder problems, knee problems, etc., There are some people that are in great shape too. I modify the exercises for each individual so we are all able to work together. I also bring a big speaker to drown out all of the moaning and groaning, lol. NO GYM MEMBERSHIPS AT EITHER LOCATION!!

The session fee depends on how many people are at each session. I send an email out on Saturday to see who is able to make the workouts in the following week. You click "Reply To All" so everyone knows how many people are coming each session.

We meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6am to 6:45. You just reply with the days that you can make it.

The fee per session is based on the number of people who reply that will come. If you reply that you are coming and don't show, you still get charged. You have to cancel by 2pm the day before the session so you don't get charged and so everyone knows how many people are coming because this affects the price of the class.

I include nutrition counseling, unlimited consulting and workouts to do when you miss class or are  traveling.

FEE PER CLASS:      (We usually have 3 or more people)

2 people $30 each

3 people $20 each

4 people $15 each

5 people $12 each

6 or more $10 each

I send an in invoice at the end of the month.

A couple times a month I have FREE group workouts on Saturday at 9am. Invite friends to come with you to any of the workouts.

Click here to email me with questions​​


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